Notice:-  Ahmedabad BRTS is a bus rapid transit system Ahmedabad, India. It is operated by Ahmedabad Janmarg Limited, a subsidiary of Ahmedabad_Municipal_Corporation.

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Ahmedabad Janmarg Limited (AJL).

The BRTS is leveraging technology in different forms to achieve high delivery and safety standards. Here are a few examples.

Automated Swing Gates

The Automated Swing Gates open only to allow swift entry for BRTS vehicles and emergency vehicles (an ambulance, for instance). Against that they remain closed for unauthorised vehicles at all times. The automated swing gates are designed to automatically open within 7 seconds and are placed smartly near the docking doors to avoid undue delay. In addition to the automatic operations, they can be operated and controlled from the IT cell in case of emergency. Since the installation of these gates, there has been a sharp drop in accidents that used to happen due to the movement of unauthorised vehicles along the corridor.

Contactless Payment

Passengers can now buy tickets without any physical contact. Passengers can select their journey and use digital payment to pay for the fare. This has led to a significant drop in queues for tickets and saves valuable time for passengers. But more importantly, contactless payments lets passengers carry out the transaction without any contact. This has become extremely critical in the post-Covid scenario, because it eliminates the probability of spreading infection through contact.

Smart operation systems

The Vehicle Planning, Scheduling and Despatch System ensures the entire fleet is used with full efficiency. In addition to that, it integrates legal policies and working rules, helps reduce human errors, cut costs and produce optimized crew duties. Depot Management Systems also extend to store and inventory as well as repair and maintenance. The Real-time Bus Information System not only tracks the buses and their speeds in real-time but also helps in bunching and gaping (Headway Adherence). This data, in conjunction with the Transit Management System, lets decision-makers collect, analyse, and interpret data in real-time to respond whenever necessary.

The BRTS is leveraging technology in different forms to achieve high delivery and safety standards. Here are a few examples.

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